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Elder Care Resources in Bucks County

Nurse working with older manBucks County, and Pennsylvania as a whole, provide a tremendous amount of senior resources that can help with different aspects of senior care. From assistive devices to household fixes to financial programs to pay for the expensive nature of elder care services, we can help you find these options. At Premier Personal Care, we partner with seniors and their families to ensure they can remain in their home setting while recuperating from illnesses and injuries or as a preference to alternative living arrangements. We’ve prepared this guide to elder care resources in the Bucks County area to supplement your in-home care experience and help you or your senior loved one live their best life.

Bucks County Area Agency On Aging

The Bucks County Area Agency on Aging is one of 52 within the state of Pennsylvania that provides resources for elder care through more than 20 programs. These programs can provide in-home care, transportation, meals, family support, insurance counseling, legal assistance and assistance applying for state-funded or federal-run programs. The agency’s headquarters is located in Doylestown and open 8:30-4:30 Monday through Friday. They can be reached by phone at 267-880-5700.

Bucks County Senior Resource Directory

The Bucks County Senior Resource Directory is a simple two-page document that you can print and hang from your refrigerator to have fingertip access to all of the agencies and support organizations you need to enhance the quality of your life. It encompasses some of the services offered by the Bucks County Area Agency on Aging but also includes many medical resources, emergency services, financial information and contact data for government offices.

Additional Bucks County Programs for Seniors

Seniors can access several other local programs in Bucks County to enhance their every day and overall lives. These include:

Trust Premier Personal Care For In-Home Needs

When you or your loved one need enhanced personal care at home, trust Premier Personal Care to partner with you and provide highly trained and compassionate aids who enhance senior’s quality of life while enabling them to remain in their own homes. Contact us today at 215-943-0201.

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